Section: Dissemination


  • Massive media coverage of the “Mind-Mirror” system : following a press conference and press release organized in May 2014. This ended up with numerous appearances in the media (TV, Press, Radio).

  • Other regular and numerous appearances of the team results and activity at: French TV (e.g., France5, France 3, France 2) or newspapers and journals (e.g., articles in "Archeologia" (Feb 2014) and "Science et Avenir" (Aug 2014) on "Virtual Reality and Archaelogy").

  • "Journées Science et Musique" 2014 (Rennes, Oct 2014) : organization of this event, and presentation of several demos of the team in Immersia room, Rennes.

  • "Journée Nationales d'Archéologie" 2014 (Rennes, June 2014) : organization of this event, and presentation of several demos, Rennes.

  • Participation at "Forum Libération" (Rennes, April 2014) : presentation of Anatole Lécuyer.

  • Participation at "LE WEB 2014" Conference (Paris, Dec 2014) : demos of the FLyVIZ system.